LEARNING SOMETHING NEW: Health, Wellness & Spirituality

(at Long Branch beach, on 5/29/23)

8:03 AM (8/25/23):

***Trump becomes 1st former U.S. president to have a mugshot - YouTube (1:19-1:37)
"...details were 'self-reported'... ...which makes me question, their authenticity (in the context, of this video's content... and prior reports, regarding the former president's biological measurements)..." - Michael Izuchukwu (was a gym being used, at Mar-a-Lago?)
maralago - Google Search
5:00 PM (4/7/23):
(conflicting article, regarding the 'above one'... 240 lbs., is distinct from 270 lbs.)
NOTE #1:
Typically, the disposition of one's physicality (frame and cardiovascular health)... can corroborate readings (unless, one of the articles is just 'fake')

(#'s 1 & 2, correspond to the entries that were made... on 4/5/23 & 4/7/23, via the 'above blog')

8:26 AM (8/25/23):
11:06 PM (6/9/23):
When I viewed the above video, I found such 'remarkable'... but in no good way...
The last time I heard anything about this in the news, there was reference of '7' counts... before the update...
See (for context):

8:31 AM (8/25/23): 

10:07 AM (8/25/23):
NOTE #1:
Apparently, there are those who are inquiring... about the authenticity, of the 'self-reporting'... There are means, by which height and weight readings... are authenticated (measuring tape, & weight scale documentation... for instance)
NOTE #2:
(a traditional height and weight, measuring scale)
Authentic height and weight readings, are not opinionated... ...they can be corroborated, via substantiation...

"When you're with God (in the generic sense), you might hear music... like that, which is playing... in this video..." - Michael Izuchukwu (12:16 PM, on 8/25/23)

(I had 3 meatballs, accompanied by '2' bread slices... for lunch... Photo as of 11:39 AM, on 8/25/23)

12:25 PM (8/25/23):
Regarding 0:08-0:12 of this video, the female news reporter... may have been dressed 'in pink,' as a means... of scaring a migrant (via instilling thoughts of 'insecurity'), who may have been excessively emboldened... or entitled...

12:44 PM (8/25/23):
An animal with 20 arms... ...quite remarkable, given that an octupus... has '8'...
Makes you wonder, about the species that remain to be discovered... ...particularly, those... beyond Earth (given that tardigrades, can survive... in space)...

8:08 AM (8/25/23):
5 wealthiest black families, in America

2:50 PM (4/3/23):
NOTE #1:
A Coffee Meets Bagel suggestion, from earlier this morning..
(1 of 2)

(2 of 2)

(a moth-like insect, from 6:40 PM... on 9/9/22... Such could not get through the closed window, but I was surpised at how such got there...
...I am certain that on some 'exoplanets' in the cosmos, one would find variations of insects... if conditions were suitable, for 'liquid water')

9:04 PM (9/10/22):
"Interesting bible passage..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"A photo of $0.95 in coins, from 9:57 AM... on 9/11/22... A woman who lives at my dominion (about a decade older than I), requested a dollar... so I parted with such, in coins (going from $1.95, to $0.95...), moments before snapping the photo..." - Michael Izuchukwu
(an egg roll from the NJ Gourmet buffet, costs $1.91
...which may be an indication that in relation to what I had, before the 'parting'... someone may be saying there is significance to the 'number 4'... in the context of how 4 cents/pennies, is the difference...)
10:33 AM (9/11/22):
"...If a 43-year-old female is a 'neighbor' at my dominion, and asking other occupants for a dollar... on an intermittent basis... then perhaps that is an indication, that women come from an array of socioeconomic backgrounds, despite their age... even though such may not always be very apparent..." - Michael Izuchukwu
...interesting parallel...
12:46 PM (9/11/22):
"In order to cross the ocean, you must have the courage... to lose sight, of the shore..."  - Christopher Columbus
12:52 PM (9/11/22):
"In the context of 'intraplanetary, geographic consciousness'... in the year 1492 (when Christopher Columbus set sail, to the Americas)... there likely are extraterrestrials, 'somewhere' in the cosmos (regarding 'interplanetary, geographic consciousness')... in 'human likeness,' just in the context... of having their own cities... ...assuredly, in 'other' galaxies... if not our own, the Milky Way..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Humans have built pyramids, while ants have assembled anthills (with technology that is 'mundane,' for the respective species)... just for some perspective...
(Sphinx pyramid)
(10,000 species of ants on Earth - while there is 1 species of humans, which is that of 'Homo Sapiens,' consisting of 5 'official' races - White, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian... and Native Hawaiian or 'Other Pacific Islander')

7:20 PM (9/10/22):
"Interesting video that I just watched... By the end of the 1996 Olympic Trials & Games, Michael Johnson would have ended up lowering the 200-meter world record... by four-tenths of a second, given such was 19.72 seconds... before 19.66, and then 19.32..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Video Doubler (https://www.videodoubler.com/combo/saved/2971)
"Evidently, such a blow to the former 200-meter world record (0.40 seconds)... paved the way, for Usain Bolt..." - Michael Izuchukwu


(an egg roll, as of 5:08 PM... on 9/10/22)

6:00 PM (9/10/22):
"Somewhere, something incredible... is waiting to be known..." - Carl Sagan

5:53 PM (9/10/22):
"Some of our people tried to find a stairway to heaven, and they failed... miserably..." - E.T.
"Why is that, E.T. ...?" - Michael Izuchukwu
"...phones..." - E.T.

6:02 PM (9/10/22):
"What about phones...?" - Michael Izuchukwu
"Others of mine, invented a parallel technology... ...complexity..." - E.T.


(meatballs and spaghetti, from 3:09 PM... on 9/10/22)

3:26 PM (9/10/22): "The following text from the attached article, resonated with me: Maya Angelou once said, 'If it is true that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, isn’t it also true a society is only as healthy as its sickest citizen?' I would attest that by 'transitiveness'... one could infer that a family is only as strong, as its weakest member (regarding matters of self-sufficiency and 'social integration & standing')..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

(okra, onions and carrots... as of 3:54 PM, on 9/9/22 - the first two items were acquired from the NJ Gourmet buffet, while the latter was from the grocery store 'ShopRite')

(pork chops, cauliflower, broccoli and a potato piece... from 4:21 PM, on 9/9/22)

"Dinner was nice, today..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Well done..." - Bed Making Woman

4:43 PM (9/9/22):
"Sometime earlier today, I began contemplating what it means... to be truly free...
In the context of the prior post, I concluded that there may be some 'divine significance'... behind why in our modern era... some people are fortunate enough, to live to the age of 100... and in the context of having 10 fingers, that implies each finger... represents 10 years (a decade) of a human life... Perhaps if one gets to the equivalent of the '11th finger (110 years)'... a door opens (in a sense), in which something 'of the spirit' takes note... that one has been walking along a particular path, for that duration... and thereby makes an assessment, on the means... by which, such was done...
...perhaps if one has enough 'genuine, spiritual fortification'... he/she can walk through that door... and approach the next section, of the number line (11-20, even though the featured number lines goes to '11')..." - Michael Izuchukwu
12:43 AM (5/23/22):
"I think the fact that Enoch lived to the age of 365, before being 'teleported to heaven (while his son, Methuselah, died a natural death... at age 969)'... is a sign from God, that there is a distinction between being pure-hearted, as opposed to just 'good'... If you're with God, you're with God... but if you're not, you're not... It is written in the bible, that 'the wages of sin, is death (Romans 6:23)'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:29 PM (9/9/22): 
“I began to speculate, today… about living life, decade-by-decade… Humans tend to live in the moment, not thinking too deeply… about the past or the future… but if one transferred this mentality, towards the latter… it’s curious as to how one would map out his/her ‘game plan,’ every 10 years…” – Michael Izuchukwu
Age: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90. 100, 110...

"To reach the stars, you must first shoot for them..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"What does it mean to reach the stars, and why should one do so? Such could be thought of as a metaphorical statement, and implying that a series of steps must be taken... to reach a particular outcome, or a certain destination..." - Michael Izuchukwu

9:37 PM (9/9/22):
"Time flies..." - Michael Izuchukwu
I can remember where I was standing, on the morning of 9/11/01... in sixth grade, at Rockwood Valley Middle School (in art class)... as though such was yesterday... even though in 2 days, that would have been 21 years ago...

10:44 PM (9/8/22):
"It has been said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and I do not dispute this... A human is like a vehicle, that must be sufficiently fueled... to go about such, from dawn to dusk...
...as opposed to 'being' what you eat, it's more accurate to say that 'dietary intake' influences... how you feel... energy-wise..." - Michael Izuchukwu

('2' of 3 egg rolls, from 6:21 PM... today - 8/15/22)

(scrambled eggs, from 6:20 AM... on 8/14/22)

('2' egg rolls, from 7:09 PM... on 8/12/22)


(Chipotle burrito bowl... as of 3:22 PM, on 7/28/22)

Videos from: TikTok, YouTube and Instagram

1. 10:35 AM (4/16/22):
Asian female with long legs, walking down the street

Much happens behind the scenes, in order for the attainment... of certain dreams...

12:59 PM (4/16/22):
There are a variety of work environments, that are amicable... There are many factors for whether or not, a certain workplace... promotes productivity...

2:14 PM (4/16/22):

2:17 PM (4/16/22):
It's important to be mindful of the things one ingests, for the sake of one's health and well-being...

Everyone should take care, of their teeth

4:23 PM (4/16/22):
Interesting dental/orthodontist video... I wonder if extraterrestrials from other exoplanets in the cosmos, would ingest their food... with teeth

6:37 PM (4/16/22):


6:39 PM (4/16/22):
Interesting video of a dude stretching, and displaying his physique

6:47 PM (4/16/22):
An article that is of interest, given the nature of gentrification... and the psychological implications, of 'architectural discrimination'... [slides 12 and 26 (of 31)... struck a chord]

7:07 PM (4/16/22): 
"The aforementioned brought something to my mind, which I have entertained before... and that is the fact that there are actual extraterrestrials ('those from outer space,' which are known to be aliens) and then there are aliens... in the sense of 'humans who may be foreign to another country, and not accustomed to the native language or culture'... who may not have immigrated, legally)...
In some countries of the world, these two variables may greatly impact... one's conceptualization, of what it means to live in a house... as opposed, to a home..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:30 PM (4/16/22):

(the word 'Osaka,' a city in Japan... in Japanese)

(the word 'Putin,' as in the last name of 'Vladimir Putin'... who is Russia's present President... in Russian)

(the word 'Putin,' as in the last name of 'Vladimir Putin'... who is Russia's present President... in Arabic calligraphy)

"Words are the means to meaning, and for those who will listen... the enunciation, of truth..." - V (from the 2006 film, 'V for Vendetta')
"Diction (word choice), syntax (word order) and other aspects of language... refine how such is processed, and understood... Languages play a big role, in shaping how we perceive the world... and one's degree of literacy, may be reflective of his/her mathematical abilities/potential... due to the interplay, between language/linguistics... and mathematics..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8:56 PM (4/16/22):
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven… but only he who does the will of my Father…” – Matthew 7:21 (according to Jesus Christ)
“Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness’…” – Matthew 7:22-23 (according to Jesus Christ)

One of my favorite... classical compositions

6:26 AM (4/17/22):
(breakfast from 6:22 AM, today)
